35+ Google Maps Tricks – Explore New Google Map Cool features

Google Maps is widely used by the people around the world. People has a reason to use this widely as it provides the ample of features.

We are using these features efficiently because they are very easy to use. Moreover with the feature, Google maps is consists of  Tips and Tricks as well.

So, here  we have come up with the 35+ Google Maps Tips  and Tricks. 

Let us start with our Google Maps Tips and tricks.  We have divided them in few segments and categorized them.

List  – New Google Maps’ Tips And Tricks

A. Navigation – Different ways for Navigation

Navigation is the process of getting location to reach from one place to another, which can be used by anyone . so the first in the list is Master Navigation.

1.Master Navigation:  Master Navigation is the another  way of navigation. Master Navigation show the navigation according to your transit.

Moreover ,Master navigation also shows the distance and time taken by each transit.

So,whether you are travelling via  car or bike or any local transport or by walking it will show you the distance and time :

  •  it will take for car,
  • and for bike depending upon your transit.

2.Use Your Voice – Google Map feature: 

Have you ever thought of getting navigated by using your voice. Well, now you can think of it.

You can use your voice for navigation when your hands are busy in moving the steering wheel.

Now, whenever you want to use the voice  navigation just tap the microphone symbol located near the search bar. Then say your location .

Afterwards it will show you the navigation with audio, you can mute and unmute the audio .

you can ask the things like where do I turn next? How far is the destination.

3.Avoid Tolls – New Google Map feature: 

How great would that be if you can save few bucks because of Google Maps. Google Maps can help you save those bucks by giving you route options accordingly like avoid tolls ferries.

You can make your own route avoiding the tolls and ferries by selecting the route options.

You can select the route options once you set your destination by tapping direction icon.

Later on, once you are done with filling up the location and destination tap the three vertical dots. At the end you will find the route options.

Then Tap those three vertical dots and it will show you the route options to avoid tolls,highways,ferries.

4.Add Multiple Stop – Google Map: 

Just imagine you are travelling back to your home from your site and you have to go to your office. One of your friend’s home on your way, but they are poll apart .

Now,what will you do ??

Simply open your Google Maps and tap the directions icon,fill up your current and destination location.

Before starting your Navigation tap on the three vertical dots at top right of the screen and there you can see “add stop” option .

Add as much stop as you want and google maps will make a route for you.

5.Indoor Navigation :  Indoor navigation helps you in navigating inside the building or premises.

Google Maps will now give you the directions of the floor or to any shop or office to which you are looking for in the premises.

For using Indoor Maps all you  have to do is

  • open the Google maps in your phone.
  • Search for any location which you want to visit. For ex ; any mall
  • look up for the floor or the shop which you want to visit. For ex: Madame.
  • so just tap the location and zoom in at the Mall and it will show you the inside direction to the places.

B.Offline Area – Google Map New Feature:

 Suppose you are entering into roaming. If you use Google Maps there it will charge you extra for roaming.

Now you do not want to spend your extra data pack and money in roaming.  so you can also take the maps offline.

wondering how??

Lets check out below.

1. WIFI only : 

Wifi only is a feature that helps you limit your data usage , as it will work only if you are connected to wifi.

For using WIFI only feature of google Maps you need to enable it from settings.

Tap the top left Hamburger button. Scroll down to select settings, when you open the settings you will be able to  enable the  wifi only option by tapping on the switch beside it.

2.Plan Ahead : So, you are planning for some hill stations to visit in the upcoming vacations, and what if you do not find any networks at the heights ?

So, Simply plan your vacation and route without being panic and you can plan and save the locations and maps for future use.

3.Download the area: Well now you can download the area which you have saved offline. you can download the area only when you have enabled WIFI only feature of the Google Maps.

Once you download the area you can access to it anytime whenever you need it.

C. Convince – Google Map New features:  

New to a place and looking for routes and finding way to reach there, you can take the help of Google Maps.

1. Order a Cab : Google maps now let you order a cab through Google Maps application,You can book any cab whichever is available in your country.

Cabs options may vary from country to country.

To order a Cab from google maps ,Tap on the directions icon and fill up the current and destination locations ,and select the transit and it will show you the cab options available.

2.Search For Flight:  whenever you want to travel for a long route you can look up for the prices offered by the airlines companies .

You can plan your air trip with google maps very easily.

D.Types of Maps – Google Map tips and Tricks: 

we have so many things that are provided by Google Maps but there are various maps too which are provided by Google Maps which are as follows:

1. Terrain Maps : Terrain Maps are the maps which can be seen in a road view and satellite view.

Terrain Maps are the maps which shows the terrain or hilly area around you or the location for which you have  searched.

For Looking over the hilly areas in a map ,tap on the hamburger button and scroll it down and select the Terrain option there and it will show you the terrain area.

2.Road Map :  Road maps are the general maps which we visualize regularly.

Road maps are very easy to understand and mostly used for navigation, it is one of the reliable map of Google Maps.

3. Satellite Maps : Satellite maps are the maps which shows us the imagery of the area in the way that we can easily identify the  locations. It shows us the look of an area that how it looks from the sky or galaxy.

It provides us the satellite imagery of the area which can be easily identified.

Satellite Maps shows the upper view of the area with the real imagery.

E.Know Congestion – List of Google Map tips:

 Think that you are travelling back to home  from work which is very far from your work place and there are so many signals in between and you are in hurry,because you have to attend the birthday party of your family member and there is a lot of traffic.

You must have  thought if you were aware about the traffic in the route you would have opted for the  different route???

KNOW TRAFFIC: Now you can get the traffic updates near your area with the help of google maps ,to enjoy the traffic updates near your area just tap on the traffic options .

Tap on the Hamburger button and scroll it down and select the Traffic from there and now Google Maps will show you the traffic conditions Nearby you by Google maps Traffic updates.

F. Know Time machine – Google Map Cool features

Time Machine : Time machine is the tool of Google maps which helps you in looking over the past of any area,country location that how it used to be before few years it will show you the images of that area and how far it has been developed .

HISTORY LOCATION : Google maps not only shows the history of any area or country , it also shows the places you had been to in the past.

Find out your history location from Google Map

Yes Google maps will show you the locations you were at in your timeline, You can add a location with date for your past locations,you can edit the locations, and even you can delete the history location of yourself.

G. Route – Google Map feature:

 Routes are the ways which makes us reach our destination and Google Maps plays a very important role in it. There are few ways to make your routes. These ways are as follows:

1. Transit Information: You can make your route through Transit information, If you are travelling via car you can get the different routes for reaching your destination.

if you are travelling via local transport google maps will also give you the Local transit information.

Moreover it will tell you the route of local transport and  will help you to reach your destination without wasting your time.

2.Search Along the route: If you are travelling from one city to another and in between you feel hungry and you do not have any Idea of any restaurants in the route.

Then in that case do not get panic and simply open your Google maps and search for restaurants and it will show you the restaurant which will be nearby you and also in your route. Looking for gas station in between route, Google Map have this feature also.

So this way you can feed your tummy with something along with travelling.!!!!!!

H. Ways to Access  Google Maps – New Google Map features

Accessibility :  Its not that You can only use the map in its general form there are other accessibility of Google Maps as follows :

1.Switch to Compass Mode :  you can now access to the Google Maps not only with the Navigation key but also you can switch to compass mode.

Google Maps now show you the Navigation with compass as well .

While You switch to the Compass mode, It will show you the 2D and 3D view of the area.

Now switch to the Compass mode from the normal navigation and enjoy with Google Maps.

2.Lite Mode : 

You  can also use  lite mode  of google maps on the web platforms which will allow you to make the better use of Google Maps and later on you can also switch to the full Maps.

Switch to Google Map Lite Mode

3.Send Directions to phone :  If you are looking for some area in your office’s system and you are looking for the directions then obviously you can not take the system with you, so here you have an option to send the direction to your phone.

4.Google Now : Google Maps are accessible from Google Now also.

If you have Google now in your phone then you can directly search the location over there and google Now will directly direct you to Google Maps .

You can use all the functions of Google Maps with Google Now.

I.Your Location – Know Google Map cool tips: 

who would know about your location more than you , so Google maps is giving you an opportunity to be a local guide and explore the Favorite places of your location.

1.Local Guide: Now you can be a  Local Guide for Google maps and in return Google maps will appreciate your contribution by providing extra drive storage and many other stuffs in the form of rewards.

Being a Local Guide you can edit the places ,map and rate and review the places in the Google Maps.

2.Local Favorites : Google Maps will help you in looking out for the best favorites in the area nearby you , this will help you most when you are at a new place you can look for the restaurants , ATM nearby  you on the basis of rating and reviews given to them.

You can also give reviews to the places you had been to and also can rate them.

J.Customize – Google Map New features:  

Customization is the biggest factor for any business to grow, and so does apply to

Google Maps , Google maps  has set the standards high for customization. Let us look how Google Maps provide us the Customization.

1.My Maps:  With My Maps feature of Google Maps you can create your Customized map. Label and share them with people. moreover you can also see the  maps which you own and which you do not own.

You can also look over the maps which has been shared with you.

2.Explore :  Map explore is one of the feature of Google maps which we can use to explore the maps which has been created and shared by the people from different regions.

3.Upcoming Events : Google Maps will find you your upcoming events.

With the help of your Gmail Calendar and Google Calendar Google Maps will fetch the information and will let you know about the upcoming future events in the line.

4.Save : 

You can  save the Locations  which ever you like for further future reference. By searching for the locations and opening the card of that location,you will see the save option on that card. It will be saved when you tap on the save icon.

5.Label :

 Now search for the location,Afterwards open the card of that location. Tap on the three vertical dots in the top right. Select the Add Label button and you can Give it a name of your wish .

K.Find – Know Google Map tips and Tricks:

 Google maps also works as a google for its users as we can find the things which are Maps related. Such as

1.Postal Address: 

One can easily search the postal address of any location by searching for the postal codes . It will also show the area belonging to it,or you can search for postal code in search bar .

2.Distance:  One can easily find the Distance between the two points by simply stretching the two points. It will show you the distance between these two locations. Also the time it will take to travel to it via different transits.

You can easily measure Straight line distance between two points or location with Google Map.

3.Areas Google Maps Knows about:

Google maps also provides you with the areas about which google maps knows. It will also show you the ratings, reviews from the Local guides and from the people who have visited there.

4.Nation Specific Information: Google maps can help you find the nation specific information.

You can search for any country and then it will show you the nation specific information like the language. Also the domains would ends with the nation specific code.

L. More Tricks – New Google Map tips:

Few More For you : 

There are  more features of the Google Maps ,which are easy to use and are very useful for the users . These Features are :

1.Gestures :

Gestures are a very important thing in every aspect of life. While you are in an interview,the interviewer will look at your gestures that how you carry yourself, how presentable are you.

So does apply here and google Maps also has some gestures like :

  • Zoom In and Zoom Out by double tapping.
  • Map toolbar such as direction key,hamburger button.

  • Scrolling the Map
  • Compass icon for Navigation
  • My location button.

2.Keyboard’s Shortcuts :

 Google maps not only shows the shortcuts for the locations and routes. But it can also be controlled with Google Map key board shortcuts while you are using it in Web platforms.

You can use your Keyboard’s keys to navigate from one place to another. It can also scroll the map in all the directions and for performing the other functions of the Google maps.

So,you can use :

  • Page Up key or ‘W’ button – move camera upwards i.e towards sky.

  • Left arrow key or ‘A’ button –  Rotate left camera to 45 degrees
  • Page Down key or ‘S’  button – move camera downwards i.e towards ground.

  • Right arrow key or ‘D’ button – Rotate Right camera  to 45 degrees.
  • Double Left click : Zoom out the Google map.
  • (+) Plus and (-) key : Zoom in and out the map respectively.

  • Scroll wheel : Use mouse scroll to Zoom in and Zoom out in Google Map.
  • Double Right click : Moreover you can Zoom In the map.

3. Footnotes section of Google Map :

While there are few things for you in the footnote of Maps when you operate it in the web platforms. You can see the terms and conditions of Google Maps. Adding to it You can also send the feedback for the Maps.

You  can use these features in the Mobile application as well. For using these features in Mobile application , tap the hamburger and scroll it down. Right there you will find these options.

So, these all are the Google Maps’ Tips  and Tricks. If You know any other which I missed here then do let us know by commenting below.

Google Indoor Maps – Navigate Inside the building

We all are using the Google maps on a very high frequency that we find it very easy to reach any new place without a fear of getting distract route , we are all so comfortable using the Google Maps because of the way they offers the dynamic features. Google maps has ample of features that allows  its users to enjoy their travel without any fear. So,now that we have already been using this location search tool -Google maps, but now you can use it for Indoor  navigation as well. Yes, the Google Indoor Maps are introduced by Google Maps.

Google Indoor maps  is the tool to navigate inside the building or any mall or airport or any big infrastructure. Indoor maps helps you to find the location of your favorite Brand in the mall, or may be you are looking for some office in a building then also you can use Indoor maps feature of the  Google maps.

Well, the question arises now is how can we use the Google Indoor Maps Feature of  Google Maps , so let me show you the way to use it:

Google Indoor Maps

  • open the google maps in your phone or Web platforms.

  • Search for any location .for example : a Mall

  • Tap on the location searched and zoom in the location.

  • Once you zoom in the searched location it will show you the inside area  of the mall and the  shops which are there.
  • They also provide a static map, which can be created by Owner or Manager of Organization.

So, this is how Google Maps’ Indoor maps are helping Google Maps’ users finding any shop in the mall, or an office in a building or anything which is present in the building. Use Indoor Maps which helps you in exploring the new building ,new things in the mall and what not. Do let us know how much useful Indoor Maps are for you.

Google Maps – Master Navigation – Find Distance and Travel Time

Google Maps stands out of all its competitors , it has made a very big difference in the individual’s lives, they have made a ease of travelling for the people who travels long distances and to the new places frequently. As we know Google has made many changes in its maps. Google has made so many amendments in the Google Maps on a very frequent basis, such that people can use it with lots of ease and comfort.

Google Maps New feature – Master Navigation

Adding to it Google maps has also introduced the Master Navigation feature for Google Maps users. This feature will help you to get the distance and time it will take to reach a place, considering real time traffic and predict the time. Now here the exciting thing about this feature of the Google maps is that it will show the distance according to the route you take and the transit as well!! So,the twist is that it will show the time it will take to reach you there by a car, if you are not feeling like driving a car and want to go for a bike ride you can do that too as google maps will show you the time it will take you to reach there, and if you are a health conscious and prefer to not pollute the environment with the toxic fuels Google maps will help you with this too; yes you read it right that Google Maps will show you the distance, different routes and the time you have to spare to reach that particular place also.

It is not limited to the Phone application only, you can use “master navigation” feature of the Google Maps on desktop or web also. You can also look over 35+ cool features of Google Map.

Master navigation – working procedure

Let’s check how Master Navigation works.

  • For using this feature you need to have either Google Maps application if you want to use it in your phone or you can use it on web.

  • Tap the action overflow button. You will find it in the bottom right corner in the phone application, and if you are using it on web then you will find it in the top left corner near the search bar.
  • Once you tap on that button it will ask you to add your current location and the destination.

  • Now, you are done with filling up the locations it will give you information about the time and distance for different transits.
  1. when you are travelling via car :

2. when biking mode is on :

3. when willing to  walk :

4. If you want to travel by bus :

Moreover, you can also define your route and can ask Google Maps to avoid highways, ferries and tolls to save a few bucks. A detailed article to avoid highways and tolls can be checked here.

This is all about the new feature of Google Maps Master Navigation. Do let us know your experience of using this feature of google maps by commenting below in the comment box.

Use Google Map Voice Navigation option – New Feature

Google maps are the best navigation tool available across globe till date. People use it for many purposes like navigation, for knowing traffic situations, locations, to find nearby place, upcoming events and what not? Have you ever thought of how to use Google map while your hands are busy controlling steering wheel?  Obviously you will not be able to operate Google map while driving. That is the reason behind they introduced Google Map voice option for Navigation.

Google Map Voice Navigation – Make your voice count

Through voice option you can command any place to Google and it will show it to you and will navigate you to that location. This way it becomes very convenient to use Google map even when you are busy driving the car.

Check out the following instruction to use your voice for navigation:-

  • Open your Google map application in your phone.
  • Above you will see the  search bar.
  • On the right corner of search bar you will see a microphone icon.
  • Tap that icon and give the voice command to Google.
  • Google map will respond according to the command given by you.

You can give Google commands like  ‘where do I turn next?’,  ‘where is the next Gas station?’ and so on. You can mute or unmute the voice guidance given by Google Maps.

You can even ask for different routes, or toggle traffic by voiceCheck Google Map different tips and tricks.

This feature of Google maps is a very important one. How do you get help with this option of Google maps navigation, do mention below in the comment box.

Top 10 Map Direction API – Routing Libraries – Navigation free or paid

Routing and displaying direction on Map along with showing the instruction for navigation, physical distance, traffic etc is one of the important part of GIS (Geographical Information System), when working on Travel or tourism or logistic projects. Are you Looking for the best Map direction API to create Routes on Web map or map on App? Researching for best performance and list of alternatives routing libraries? There are dozens of Routing API which is either available as premium API, Free till a limit or a completely free Routing API.

Here you will find all the list of Map Routing libraries which I have gone through and researched while working on one of my project. Let me start listing first few free and open source direction Map API followed with API which is available for free till a particular hits limits.

Map Direction API

Top 10 Map Direction API – Routing Libraries

1.) Open Source Routing Machine:

OSRM computes shortest path in a graph and was designed to run well with map data from OSM project.

  • Can either be self hosted
  • Very fast routing.
  • Method of contraction hierarchies to compute shortest path routing, in contrast to A* which makes it very fast.
  • highly portable.
  • Provides turn by turn navigation instruction
  • License: BSD

You can find the project code at github and also the working map project.

2.) YOURS navigation API:

Yet another OpenStreetMap Route Service (YOURS), uses OpenStreetMap data.

  • Generate fastest or shortest routes in modes available like car, pedestrians, bicycle.
  • Unlimited Via waypoints can be added easily
  • Generate routes altitude profiles.
  • Client side route caching
  • License : BSD

Wiki for YOURS map can be found here.

3.) Open Route Service Library: 

Routing service is based on open standards by the Open Geo-spatial Consortium with OSM data.

  • Gives Route summary like overall distance, units, overall needed time.
  • Way points can be added in between routes.
  • Step by step instruction is calculated and can be extracted as different languages.
  • License : MIT license

You may check libraries documentation from here.

4.) Graphhopper Direction Map API:

It is a fast and memory efficient Open source routing library and server using OpenStreetMap.

  • Can be Used for desktop, web or with mobile device application.
  • Dijkstra, A* and Contraction Hierarchies algorithm is used.
  • Can either be self hosted or you can choose a plan from graphhopper services website, which can either be available for free or paid.
  • Provides turn by turn navigation instruction
  • License : Apache License Version 2.0

Here is the Github code depository of Graphhopper.

You can compare further maps from OpenStreetMap data routing section from here to get the detailed comparision of above listed API.

Premium Routing Libraries:

5.) Google Map Direction API:

We don’t need any introduction to Google Maps. Map with most data provides all roads in every mode whether it is for car, heavy vehicles, rails, bicycle or pedestrian. You just need to grab a key and use the API to get the directions.

  • Can access upto 2,500 free direction request per day.
  • Can add upto 23 waypoints
  • Can avoid route with tolls, highways, ferries and indoor.
  • Different languages are supported as an output result
  • Specify the units of result
  • Get live traffic and estimated time of travel for a route.
  • A detailed documentation along with tutorials.

Get the documentation link from here and get started with Google Map library.

6.) Bing Map Direction API :

Bing Map is another giant map service provider. You may look as an alternative of Google Map. You can customize, calculate and display direction and route on a Map with Direction API module or with Bing Map Rest Services. You need to get a Map key by registering in Bing Map. I didn’t found any figures of transaction which can be made free. But definitely if you over use the API either Microsoft will contact you or you may contact them either to upgrade the account as Enterprise.

Here are some features of Bing Map:

  • Calculate Route and get the walking, driving or transit route direction
  • Define way points
  • Get Road Shield images
  • Get Route data i.e Travel Distance, travel duration, estimated time of duration considering live traffic etc.
  • Turn by turn navigation instruction can be extracted.
  • You may also look at warning type i.e if there is a traffic accident, very slow traffic in the route, critical weather etc.

You can find the detailed document of the from here:

Bing Map Direction API

7.) ESRI Map Direction API:

ESRI is an international supplier of GIS software and databases and exist since 1969. ESRI Map provides AcrGIS API for JavaScript which helps you to get the Direction on Map. Register a developer account for free in ESRI direction and Routing Service website and get ready to use the library. You will get free development and testing subscription and also gets a 50 credits a month when you are ready to go to production. Yes they charge you according to credits, where each functionality have different credits for different number of hits. Here are some of the features:

  • Routes for pedestrian, light weight moving vehicle and heavy weight moving vehicle
  • Get optimized route considering traffic.
  • “Schedule stops, including people, pickups, work orders, and anything else, within a pre-defined time window.”
  • According to vehicle weight and height route will be calculated to clear restricted bridges and underpasses.
  • Get the distance and navigation instructions.

You can explore more over here.

8.) MapQuest Direction Map API:

MapQuest Map provides Direction API with help of OpenStreetMap data. Upto 15,000/month Transactions is allowed for free. Here are the feature of MapQuest :

  • Get routes for different modes like pedestrian, bicycle, multi-modal.
  • Routes can be calculated as both fastest and shortest.
  • Instruction turn by turn navigation.
  • Get Estimated time of duration for a Route considering real time traffic.
  • Get Alternate routes for same origin and destination points.
  • According to date and time, optimized routes will be created.

You can have a look more over here of its documentation.

9.) MapBox Direction Map API:

MapBox is another popular API which can be considered as the best in terms of pricing and performance too. Here are the list of features:

  • Calculate optimal driving, walking and cycling routes.
  • Get turn by turn direction instructions.
  • Route can be created incorporating upto 25 waypoints anywhere on earth.
  • Get the geometry as a geojson file
  • Is free till 50,000 mapview either for mobile or for web

Get started from here.

10.) Create Your Own Customized API:

Take either shapefile or OSM data. Create R tree and generate the network graph. Implement A* or any shortest path alogrithm. Fix all issues and improve the speed. You are done.

Note: The limitation and features of API is listed on 12-01-2016 and can be changed time to time. So please check the actual price from the concerned API official website. Also features listed of each API is not complete, but just to give you introduction of the same.

The above list I found to be useful and you can choose one by comparing prices and features to implement in your project. Certainly there may be other routing API’s too, which you may not found here. But if you like the same and think that it should be present in the list, then do comment below with the name and some brief description of the map routing library.

Formula to Find Bearing or Heading angle between two points: Latitude Longitude

Formula to Find Bearing or Heading angle between two points. Bearing or heading angle is used to define navigation generally in the field of aircraft or marine or Vehicle navigation or while working for land surveying. So what’s the heading or bearing? How we can find bearing between the two points on earth, with the formula? Or How we can find the other point, when one point, actual traveled distance and bearing is given? Let us discuss all this points, followed with the example and experiment with the tool for calculating bearing provided in the post.

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For More details connect us at support@igismap.com.

Formula to Find Bearing or Heading angle between two points: Latitude Longitude

Bearing can be defined as direction or an angle, between the north-south line of earth or meridian and the line connecting the target and the reference point. While Heading is an angle or direction where you are currently navigating in.  This means to reach a particular destination you need to adjust your heading direction with the bearing. Generally a ‘compass’ is an instrument, which gives you the direction information for navigation. You must refer Haversine distance formula before going through this post.

Calculating Bearing or Heading angle between two points:

So if you are from GIS field or dealing with GIS application, you should know bearing and how to calculate bearing with formula. Let us look on formula and tool for bearing:

  • Let ‘R’ be the radius of Earth,
  • L’ be the longitude,
  • ‘θ’ be latitude,
  • β‘ be Bearing.

Denote point A and B as two different points, where ‘La’ is point A longitude and ‘θa’ is point A latitude, similarly assume for point B. Bearing would be measured from North direction i.e 0° bearing means North, 90° bearing is East, 180° bearing is measured to be South, and 270° to be West.

Note: If bearing is denoted with +ve or –ve initials whose values lies between 0° to 180°, then –ve is denoted for South and West sides.

Formula to find Bearing, when two different points latitude, longitude is given:

Bearing from point A to B, can be calculated as,

β = atan2(X,Y),

where, X and Y are two quantities and can be calculated as:

X = cos θb * sin ∆L

Y = cos θa * sin θb – sin θa * cos θb * cos ∆L

Lets us take an example to calculate bearing between the two different points with the formula:

  • Kansas City: 39.099912, -94.581213
  • St Louis: 38.627089, -90.200203

So X and Y can be calculated as,

X =  cos(38.627089) * sin(4.38101)

X  = 0.05967668696


Y = cos(39.099912) * sin(38.627089) – sin(39.099912) * cos(38.627089) * cos(4.38101)

Y = 0.77604737571 * 0.62424902378 – 0.6306746155 * 0.78122541965 * 0.99707812506

 Y = -0.00681261948

***Convert θ into radians***

So as, β = atan2(X,Y) = atan2(0.05967668696, -0.00681261948) = 1.684463062558 radians

convert it into degree

           β = 96.51°

This means, from Kansas City if we move in 96.51° bearing direction, we will reach St Louis.

You can also check video explanation of bearing angle.

Tool to find bearing angle between two lat lon points:

Check out the following IGISMap tools to work with Bearing Angle

IGISMap Bearing Angle Tool

IGISMap is a GIS based web platform providing multiple GIS applications that are most important in the field of geospatial analytics. The peculiarity of IGISMAP in the GIS Industry is its UI/UX that helps the user to perform effortless geospatial operations.

Bearing Angle tool of IGISMap can be used to create geospatial path based on bearing angle, distance and location. A path will be one or more straight lines connected between points plotted in order. User can plot required locations by simply clicking on the map or by entering address or coordinates. The path created in Bearing Angle will be available as GIS layer in the IGISMap. This GIS layer can be downloaded as GIS data in any format such as Shapefile, GeoJSON, CSV or KML.

Check https://routecompass.mapog.com to open Bearing Angle

Formula to find a lat lon point, when bearing, distance and another lat lon is given

Let us assume a condition, where you want to find out the where will an Airplane will land up, if you have following details of that Airplane, i.e actual distance it will travel, the bearing and the starting point (lat,lon)?

  • Let first point latitude be la1,
  • longitude as lo1,
  • d be distance,
  • R as radius of Earth,
  • Ad be the angular distance i.e d/R and
  • θ be the bearing,

Here is the formula to find the second point, when first point, bearing and distance is known:

  • latitude of second point = la2 =  asin(sin la1 * cos Ad  + cos la1 * sin Ad * cos θ), and
  • longitude  of second point = lo2 = lo1 + atan2(sin θ * sin Ad * cos la1 , cos Ad – sin la1 * sin la2)

You may find both the tool on separate page, with Google map working on it: (It will be update in 2 days, please visit us again)

  • Tool to Find Bearing, when two points are given
  • Tool to find other point, when bearing, distance and one of the point is given.

I hope this article will definitely help you, to find the bearing or heading. You are free to share more data related to bearing or any thing that you uses to calculate bearing and how you use navigation with bearing.

If you find anything difficulty to understand the bearing calculation, you may comment below, so that we will discuss further on finding bearing or heading angle.

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