Convert KMZ to GPX

GPX is a common GPS data format for software applications supported by major GPS devices and KMZ is a file format used to display geographic data in Google Earth and Google Maps.

Converting GIS data file from KMZ to GPX format  is just  a few click process with MapOG KMZ To GPX Converter Online.

IGIS Map Converter

IGIS Map converter is an amazing tool for data conversion. With just one click, it can translate KML data, commonly used in software like Google Earth, Fusion Tables, Maps, and GPS devices, into GeoJSON (JSON) format. GeoJSON is widely utilized in software such as MongoDB, Geoserver, CartoWeb, and Feature Server.

It converts GIS/CAD files online without the need for complex and enterprise software such as ArcGIS, QGIS, or AutoCAD. IGIS Map Converter is more user-friendly compared to other conversion software or tools.

IGISMAP to Convert KMZ to GPX

For KMZ to GPX conversion, go to MapOG Converter Tool, after logging in with your registered email and password. If you are a new user, click the Sign Up button in the Login popup and register to IGISMAP by filling the details.


There are four main steps for using GIS Converter:

  • Click on Tool Converter
  • Upload the data
  • Choose the format to which it should be converted
  • Download the converted file

Step one is to upload your KMZ file which you want to convert. You can upload your file from system or select from the Recent Files.

Upload KMZ

Here we using the KMZ file of Norway Airport Points.

Step two is to select the output format from the dropdown for the converted file, in this case its GPX. You can also set the Coordinate Reference System of your preference. As a default CRS will set to WGS 84 (World) [EPSG:4326]. Click on the Convert File.

Select GPX as an Output Format

Your KMZ file will then gets converted to GPX file after a few seconds and will be available for downloading.

Download GPX File

You can also choose to style the layer or continue with further conversion process by clicking the Convert Another File button.

Converted Files section from the dashboard contains the list of the details of all the conversion done in your account, providing both input and output data available for download their corresponding formats.

Download free shapefile of various countries.

Create your own shapefile and share with your clients or embed on your website. 

More on Conversion:

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