Download Romania Administrative Boundary GIS Data for – National, County, Communes and more

Download Romania’s administrative boundary GIS data, including national, county, and commune divisions. Access accurate geographic information for enhanced analysis and projects.

Easily explore Romania’s geographical data using MAPOG. Discover a wide range of datasets, including details about administrative boundaries, rivers, roads, and airports. Accessing this information is simple with the Download GIS Data and Add GIS Data tools. The Download GIS Data tool lets you choose formats like Shapefile, KML, GeoJSON, and CSV. For a more detailed guide on using the Add GIS Data tool, check out “Maximizing Romania’s GIS Data Collection from MAPOG.” This guide helps you step by step in getting administrative GIS data using the Download GIS Data tool. Explore Romania’s geography using MAPOG as your trusted guide.

With MAPOG’s versatile toolkit, you can effortlessly upload vector and raster files, add WMS (Web Map Service) layers, upload Excel or CSV data, incorporate existing files, perform polygon splitting and merging, generate new polygon and polyline data, use the converter for various formats, conduct buffer analysis, create grids, transform points into polygons, calculate isochrones, and utilize the geocoder for precise location information.

We offer an extensive array of data formats, including KML, SHP, CSV, GeoJSON, Tab, SQL, Tiff, GML, KMZ, GPKZ, SQLITE, Dxf, MIF, TOPOJSON, XLSX, GPX, ODS, MID, and GPS, ensuring compatibility and accessibility for various applications and analyses.


  • All data available are in GCS datum EPSG:4326 WGS84 CRS (Coordinate Reference System).
  • You need to login for downloading the shapefile.

Download Shapefile Data of Romania

Nestled at the crossroads of Eastern, Southeastern, and Central Europe, Romania boasts a diverse geography. With Bulgaria to the south, Ukraine to the north, Hungary to the west, Serbia to the southwest, Moldova to the east, and the shimmering expanse of the Black Sea to the southeast, Romania is a country of striking contrasts. Spanning approximately 238,397 square kilometers (92,046 square miles), Romania hosts a population of 19,892,812 people as of 2023, a statistic meticulously recorded by Macrotrend and Worldometer. This positions Romania as the twelfth-largest European nation and a notable member of the European Union, ranking as the sixth-most populous.

Romania National Boundary

Download Romania National Boundary Shapefile

After successfully logging in with a legitimate email address, select the country you want to work with. Next, choose the specific layer you need and click on the download option. Once that’s done, pick the desired format to acquire the essential GIS data. Before proceeding with the data download, make sure to review the data table for any relevant information.

Download Romania Counties Shapefile Data

Romania is divided into 41 counties (known as “județe” in Romanian), along with the municipality of Bucharest, which together form the recognized administrative divisions. These divisions correspond to NUTS-3 (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics – Level 3) categories within the European Union. Each county operates as an independent local government unit within its defined boundaries. The majority of counties derive their names from prominent rivers in the region, while a few are named after significant cities that serve as their administrative centers.

Romania Counties Boundaries

Download Romania Counties Shapefile

Download Romania Communes Shapefile Data

A commune (comună in Romanian) is the lowest level of administrative subdivision in Romania. There are 2,686 communes in Romania. The commune is the rural subdivision of a county. Urban areas, such as towns and cities within a county, are given the status of city or municipality.

Romania Communes Boundaries

Download Romania Communes Shapefile

Other Administrative Boundary Data:

Other GIS Data:

Above all links are provided for GIS data of Romania if you are looking for any specific data please write us on

Download Shapefile for the following:

  1. World Countries Shapefile
  2. Australia
  3. Argentina
  4. Austria
  5. Belgium
  6. Brazil
  7. Canada
  8. Denmark
  9. Fiji
  10. Finland
  11. Germany
  12. Greece
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Ireland
  16. Italy
  17. Japan
  18. Kenya
  19. Lebanon
  20. Madagascar
  21. Malaysia
  22. Mexico
  23. Mongolia
  24. Netherlands
  25. New Zealand
  26. Nigeria
  27. Papua New Guinea
  28. Philippines
  29. Poland
  30. Russia
  31. Singapore
  32. South Africa
  33. South Korea
  34. Spain
  35. Switzerland
  36. Tunisia
  37. United Kingdom Shapefile
  38. United States of America
  39. Vietnam
  40. Croatia
  41. Chile
  42. Norway
  43. Maldives
  44. Bhutan
  45. Colombia
  46. Libya
  47. Comoros
  48. Hungary
  49. Laos
  50. Estonia
  51. Iraq
  52. Portugal
  53. Azerbaijan
  54. Macedonia
  55. Romania
  56. Peru
  57. Marshall Islands
  58. Slovenia
  59. Nauru
  60. Guatemala
  61. El Salvador
  62. Afghanistan
  63. Cyprus
  64. Syria
  65. Slovakia
  66. Luxembourg
  67. Jordan
  68. Armenia
  69. Haiti And Dominican Republic

Disclaimer : If you find any shapefile data of country provided is incorrect do contact us or comment below, so that we will correct the same in our system as well we will try to correct the same in openstreetmap.

Get County, postal address, administrative area On Google Maps

From adding stop in the route to limiting data usage by downloading offline area while connected to WIFI  , Google Maps has ample number of features for its users .Google Maps is widely introducing new Features for its users. Google Maps is providing these feature without restricting their use to Google maps application, rather you can also go for web platforms to use these Features. Add to it , Google Maps have now introduced one more feature to add to the list :  Get an area covered of County, postal address, administrative area On Google Maps.

Postal address of a Location can be found very easily through Google Maps’ My Maps or vice versa. With this feature of google Maps you can search postal address of any location or you can search any location when you know the postal address.

You may be interested in looking over 35+ Google Map cool tips and tricks.

Get County, postal address, administrative area On Google Maps

This feature is really very helpful for the people across the globe. Moreover this feature is accessible on web and application both.

Lets see how this feature of Google Maps works:

  • Open the Google maps on your phone application or on web platforms.

  • If you wish to know the postal address of your current location than tap on the  pin.

  • Once you tap on the pin you will see the card appearing for your location and it will provide you with the full postal address of the location.

  • If you wish to know the Location for any postal address you can search for location with the postal address.

  • Now,it will show you the location for which you were looking.

If you type the pincode or zipcode then their might be chances that Google Map would provide you whole administrative area of the respective pincode or zipcode as can be shown in figure below. The area indicated or covered by red border. While I didn’t find Google Map api to provide this feature to extract the area. Neither any notice is given, if this feature could be added to Google Map API in future.

Get County, postal address, administrative area On Google Maps

Disclaimer and note: That we are not sure whether Google Map shows the administrative area collected from Crowd sourced or if they are showing the area given by third party or Governments. So I am not sure to claim for the correctness of Google map in showing those Administrative Area.

Google Maps is the most used map tool by individuals as well as the organisations, governments also uses it for many purpose.

By Getting this Administrative area, we can take a snapshot and georeference the image and finally get a shapefile or KML file out of this image with the help of digitization.

Now that  you know about getting postal address, how this would help you to get administrative area and how to get a shapefile or KML file. So, make optimum use of this article and do let us know how useful this article is for you by commenting below in the comment box.

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