8 Best Alternative to Google Maps – Classic old Map

Why to look for Alternative to Google Maps – Classic old Map? Recently (around 29, April 2015) Google shut down their old classic Map and replaced it with New Google Map and lite mode. While there are many people who dont like the new Google Map as they are facing some problems like lazy loading and slow rendering of Graphics and are finding difficulty in exploring Map features, which they can easily use in Old classic Map. There are few alternative Maps to Google Map, which millions of people are already using in their daily life. Do try all of the listed Map and compare it with New Google Map.

Also you may look on 8 Best Alternatives to Google Map Engine API, Google announced to deactivate Google Map Engine API from 29 January, 2016.

List of 8 Best Alternative to Google Maps – Classic old Map:

1.) Google New Maps and Google Lite Mode: This is my first best alternative choice to old Classic Google Map, as you can easily access and edit the previous data which you might have saved in classic Google Map. With this advantage, I found that Google Map provides deep level of information of many places with their huge database. Without writing much about New Google Map here, you may find this link to explore Lite mode and also some of the articles, which will help you to access different features in New Google Map like, finding real time or live traffic, Measure Straight line distance, Get the route with Route planner in Google new maps or Search nearby places.

2.) Bing Maps: Bing Map is a part of Microsoft Bing suite, which we can considere as the best competitor of Google Map, featuring Street Maps, 3D Maps, Driving or transit direction, Traffic information and clearFlow, sharing and embedding maps and many more.


Bing Maps - Alternative to Google Maps - Classic old Map
Bing Maps – Alternative to Google Maps – Classic old Map

3.) Here Map by Nokia: ‘Here‘ uses cloud computing model, which made location data and services to be stored on remote servers which enables users to get access to it regardless of type of device. Here map is available, for Web, Android, iOS, Windows phone etc. Services like turn by turn direction navigation, public transit information of many cites, 3D maps, etc are provided by Here map.


Here Maps - Alternative to Google Maps - Classic old Map
Here Maps – Alternative to Google Maps – Classic old Map

4.) WikiMapia Map: WikiMapia is a privately owned commericial mapping site, which aims to create and maintain a free, complete, detailed and up to date map to the whole world. Over 2 million people uses and around 24 millions objects have been marked by users, according to the information presented by wikipedia. With wide category and easy editing of Map, you may think of WikiMapia as an Alternative to Google Maps.


WikiMapia - Alternative to Google Maps - Classic old Map
WikiMapia – Alternative to Google Maps – Classic old Map

5.) MapQuest Map: MapQuest is owned by an American based Company AOL. It is using OpenStreetMap project for displaying the data providing services like information to some extent of street level detail as well as dirving direction to some countries, rela time traffic estimation etc. With Web, they also provides mobile app for android and iOS. Customizable GasPrice page feature is a new feature where users can type their address and compare the gas price of nearby gas stations.


mapquest - Alternative to Old Classic Goolge Map
mapquest – Alternative to Old Classic Goolge Map

6.) TomTom Map: TomTom Maps is owned by a Dutch Company providing mapping services. It was announced as the main mapping data provider for Apple iOS 6 Maps app, replacing Google Maps. TomTom provides many products and services, like navigation, IQ Routes, traffic data, map sharing, some live services and other mapping services. With Web, you may also use TomTom from Android and iOS devices.


TomTom - Alternative to Old Classic Goolge Map
TomTom – Alternative to Old Classic Goolge Map

7.) Waze Map: Waze was developed in Israel and then later acquired by Google. It helps you to navigate route turn by turn, knowing the real time traffic stats. With Web, Waze supports, Android, iPhone, Symbian, Blackberrry and windows mobile phone version.


Waze Map - Alternative to Old Classic Goolge Map
Waze Map – Alternative to Old Classic Goolge Map

8.) Yandex Map: Yandex is a Russian internet company which owns Yandex Maps. With Web, you can also access Yandex Map via Mobile Apps.


Yandex Maps - Alternative to Google Maps - Classic old Map
Yandex Maps – Alternative to Google Maps – Classic old Map

Check more from us: No need for Google Routing-PGrouting PostGIS Postgresql

Hope this list helps you to get more alternatives to Google old classic Map. Change is important for improvement. while I still uses Google Map for most of the time. Which Map you are using? Do you have more list of Maps, which i am missing to list for alternative to old classic Google Map. Do share your view by commenting below.

Find or Search Nearby Restaurants, shops, malls or any places in New Google maps

Find or Search Nearby Restaurants, shops, malls or any places in New Google maps. After the introduction of New Google Map and Google Lite mode Map many users are facing problems in using all features in new map, which they can easily use from old Google Classic Map as they are already used to with it. One of the important feature is Near By, which let you search Near-By hotels, Restaurants, Malls, parking places, nearby bus stops or near by Gas Stations from your current location or from any location you want.

Find or Search Nearby Restaurants, shops, malls or any places in New Google maps
Find or Search Nearby in New Google maps

Steps to Find or Search Nearby Restaurants, Shops, hotels, Malls, Parking area or Any places in Google New Maps:

1.) Open New Google Map. If you are using Google Lite mode, switch back to Google New Maps, as Lite mode does not support Nearby Search Feature.

2.) Type in current location or the location name from where you need nearby location result, in Search Box.  And press Enter to Get the result.

3.) Now click on Search box once. This will show you Search Nearby link as indicated below.

Find or Search Nearby Restaurants, shops, malls or any places in New Google maps

4.) Type in the category of places, you want to search. For example “Coffee Shop, or Hotels or restaurant or car parks etc.” And hit Enter. This will list out all Nearby Category result. Here are the list of result information you may get:

  • Name of the Shops or location.
  • Ratings provided by user.
  • Distance from your current location.
  • Cost (if applicable)
  • Actual Address (You may get the direction by clicking on item)
Find or Search Nearby Restaurants, shops, malls or any places in New Google maps
Find or Search Nearby Restaurants, shops, malls or any places in New Google maps

5.) Red icons Show near by result on the map , while your original location appears as a gray icon.

Alternate and Direct method to search for nearby places:

In Google Map, ‘near’ is the keyword which you may use to get nearby searches. For Example:

  • “restaurants near national mall” to get the nearby restaurants near national mall.

Similariy to find out traffic, you need to enter, “traffic” as keyword to get the real time traffic. You may also be interested to explore other feature of Google Map like, Measure straight line distance, or trace out your all lcoation history or plan your route with public transit and many more.

Hope can now easily search the nearby location easily. I suppose, New Google Map is also good one which provided an easy way to search nearby location and many more options. Use New Google Map frequently to explore new features. Do comment below if you are facing problem in searching nearby location or if you want to give your opinion or suggestion.

Google Map Route Planner – Find live public transit and Estimated time travel

Google Map Route Planner – Find live public transit and Estimated time travel. Google launched public transport Trip planner providing real time transit update for more than 800 cities world wide, for public welfare as a free service. This feature will help you know the next bus estimated time of arrival at your source, estimated time to travel from one location to another, answers which bus or train or any public transport vehicle you need to take and most importantly give you direction and guidance with live update. Surely Google Maps is one of the most used Maps Engine, where you can Measure Straight Distance, create your own map, find live traffic, know your location history and many more. But Route planner is one of the best feature I have ever used while travelling at unknown places via public transportation. With this feature you don’t need to wait at bus or metro stop, looking for next vehicle as you receive the live Estimated time of Arrival information of next Public transit vehicle.

Google map Route Planner - Find live public transit and Estimated time travel
Google map Route Planner

Google get this data from the different public transit service provider across the world. Google have created the General Transit Feed Specification where transportation agency provider uploads the required data, for easily exchange of transit information. If you are one of the transportation service provider for public and operates with fixed schedules and routes, then you may Join transit partner program from here for free.

How to effectively use Google map Route Planner of Trip planner feature via public transportation:

1.) Open up Google Map either in Lite Mode or in Full controlled New Google Map.
2.) Click on Direction arrow, which you may find on the text box located at top right.

Google Map route planner

3.) Now Enter the Source and Destination address location.
4.) Click on Train or Bus type of icon, which signifies Public transit and press Search.
5.) Wow! you will get all possible result to travel from Place A (Source) to Place B(Destination), with next ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) of vehicle at Stop A, Estimated travel time (ETT), path and Total fare (Fare is not mentioned in every path).

Route Planner Google Map Experiment:

Let us look at result, when i experimented when searching for Source as Saket Metro Station, DDA flats(A) to Destination as Laxmi Nagar Metro Station(B) in New Delhi(Capital of India). Result shows 4 different path to travel from A to B. When I clicked on Detail of one of the path, a very detailed and appropriate result is shown, which provides the  following details:

Google Map route planner

  • Walking distance and estimated time to reach to a Metro Station.
  • Take Yellow line Metro, with heading or direction is described.
  • Estimated time of arrival of next metro at your stop.
  • Station where i need to switch to different Metro.
  • Total estimated time of travel.
  • Public Transit Service provider, and its contact number.

When you search for the route, you may get ETA, ETT, Fare and Path for the Current Time. If you want to plan a trip for scheduled time, then you click on Schedule Explorer. Now you can choose the choose the journey start time by dragging the timeline, and explore the results. Here is how schedule explorer looks like:

Google Map route planner

  • Note: For some areas, you may also get the estimated fare charges to travel from Source to Destination.

Conclusion – Google Map Route Planner:

When i tested the Google Transit Trip planner feature and travel the path, with no surprise the result was very appropriate as Google used the transit data and implemented an intellectual algorithm on it. Estimated time of arrival (ETA) of Metro, Estimated time to travel(ETT) and the most important the correct path or guidance described.

Result:  Application Estimated Travel time = 1 hour 16 Minutes.
Actual Estimate Travel Time = 1 hour 19 Minutes.

You may also be interested to see following Google Map Post:

Isn’t that wonderful, the result was very close. Even if you depends on Public transit to travel, with the help of Google Map Public Transit Route planner feature, you are able to schedule your own route and most certainly avoiding the waiting time at stops as now you know the estimated time of arrival of next public vehicle. I loved this feature of Google Map. Have you tried this feature of Google Map? What was the result? Do you know any alternative to this feature? Share your thoughts by commenting below.

Switch to Google Map Lite Mode (Replace classic map) – Improved Speed

Switch to Google Map Lite Mode. Google map Lite mode is introduced after dropping the old classic map support and as an alternative to it,  with more improved features which also helps in reducing the loading time to render graphics on old browsers.

Many people switch back to old classic map, after the launch of New Google Map in 2013, due to slow processing and rendering of graphics. While you can count Google Maps Lite mode as an best alternative solution to old classic Google Map, as Lite mode would load faster in every browser, which does not support for 3D Earth view feature and other 2D imagery. New Google Map uses WebGL for improving graphics which is not in case with Lite Mode Map.

According to Google “This update provides a number of benefits, including easier trip planning, more accurate traffic data, easier ways to explore new areas, and the ability to get you where you’re going with better search, directions, Street View imagery and more.”

Switch to Google Map Lite Mode (Replace classic map) - Improved Speed
Switch to Google Map Lite Mode (Replace classic map) – Improved Speed

Switch to Google Map Lite Mode – Listed features:

  1. ) Load graphics faster
  2. ) Supported in older browsers too.
  3. ) Can able to Switch to Satellite mode.
  4. ) View live traffic and predictable traffic.
  5. ) View direction and ways to get route via bicycle, public transit or by car.
  6. ) View terrain.
  7. ) Get the current screen view link for sharing.
  8. ) Get full menu via one click.
  9. ) Dive into street view directly.

List of features you can’t be able to use in Lite mode Google maps:

1.) 3D imagery and earth view
2.) Your current location on map
3.) Setting your home and work places
4.) Nearby, scaling the distance or getting coordinates features not supported.
5.) Embedding a map and viewing my maps in Google maps.
6.) Draggable route
7.) Reporting a map data problem in Google maps.

If you are in Lite mode, you’ll see a lightning bolt icon in the bottom left which on hovers shows a message: “You’re in Lite mode.” While You can click: “Switch back to full Maps” if your browser supports it. Alternatively you can switch to New Google Map with Full support with the below link:

Switch to Google Map Lite Mode
Switch to Google Map Lite Mode

You can still access your saved places, home and work addresses, personal information and all custom map created, after switching to any of the newer version. None of your data will be lost.

Note : Lite mode is introduced in mid April 2015. You would no longer be able to switch back to older classic google map after the complete update of Google Maps to everyone.

What you think about Lite Mode of Google map? Do express your views on comparing the Google old classic map with respect to Lite mode Google map, in terms of processing speed, features and User Interface, by commenting below.

Convert – Degree Minute Seconds to Degree Decimal Minutes to Decimal Degree format – Latitude Longitude

Convert – Degree Minute Seconds to Degree Decimal Minutes to Decimal Degree format. Geographical location information is represented in terms of Latitude and Longitude, where Latitude gives the angular distance of a point from equator to elevation either north or south, and Longitude gives the angular distance of a point east or west of the meridian. This Angular distance values of Lat and Lon is either represented in Degree, Minute, Seconds(dd,mm,ss) number system or Decimal Degree number system. So let us discuss about, how to represent the location with Latitude and Longitude, their value range and how to convert them with the tool.

Latitude values Range:

Point on Equator line is calculated as 0° latitude, while North pole as 90°N and South pole as 90°S. Latitude values range in between 0° and 90° in positive
(representing north) and in negative (representing south) values.

Longitude values Range:

Prime Meridian or Greenwich meridian is defined as 0° longitude. Longitude values ranges from 0° to 180° east or from 0° to 180° west.

Convert - Degree Minute Seconds to Degree Decimal Minutes to Decimal Degree format
Convert – Degree Minute Seconds to Degree Decimal Minutes to Decimal Degree format

Latitude and Longitude Representation – Different converted formats:

Generally in three formats, latitude and longitude values are represented. Let us take example of each format, by taking latitude longitude of San Antonio.
1.) Degree Minutes Seconds :
For example: 29° 25′ 26.5152″, -98° 29′ 37.6974″

2.) Degree Decimal Minutes:
For example: 29° 25.441916666667’ , -98° 29.6283’

3.) Decimal Degree:
For example: 29.424032, -98.493805

Format of Lat lon - Degree Minute Seconds, Degree Decimal Minutes, Decimal Degree format
Format of Lat lon – Degree Minute Seconds, Degree Decimal Minutes, Decimal Degree format

Convert – Degree Minute Seconds to Degree Decimal Minutes to Decimal Degree format

Earth equator line is divided in 360 equal parts, each part represents a degree distance, where 1°=111.32 Km. Every Degree is further divided in 60 minutes. This means, 1 minute = 111.32/60 = 1.85 Km, and every minute is divided in 60 seconds. So 1 seconds = 1.85/60 = 0.0309 Km.

Convert Degree Minute Seconds to Degree Decimal for the Latitude Longitude values:

As 1°=60’=3600”, so we can compute degree decimal by:

d = degree + minute / 60 + seconds/3600

Let us take an example: Compute 29° 25′ 26.5152″, -98° 29′ 37.6974″ to degree decimal:

Latitude to Degree Decimal = d = 29 + 25/60 + 26.5152/3600 = 29.42432
Longitude to Degree Decimal = d = -(98 + 29/60 + 37.6974/3600) = -98.493805

Tool to convert lat lon values from degree minute seconds to degree decimal:

LATITUDE :Degree= Minute= Seconds=

LONGITUDE :Degree= Minute= Seconds=

Latitude :

Longitude :

Convert Degree Minute Seconds to Degree Decimal:

Again, as 1°=60’=3600”, we would compute Degree, Minute and Seconds separately from Degree Decimal.

  • Degree = integer part of Decimal degree = int(ddd.dd) = ddd.
  • Minute = integer part of ((Decimal degree – Degree computed above) * 60) = int(ddd.dd – ddd) * 60.
  • Seconds = (Degree Decimal – degree – Minute/60) * 3600 = (ddd.dd – ddd – m/60)*3600

Let us take an example. Compute 29.424032, -98.493805 to Degree Minute Seconds format:

Degree = int(29.424032) = 29
Minute = int((29.424032 – 29) * 60) = int (25.44192) = 25
Seconds = (29.424032 – 29 – 25/60) * 3600 = 26.5152″

So latitude = 29° 25′ 26.5152”

Similarly computing longitude of -98.493805, we get the degree minute second to -98° 29′ 37.6974.

Tool to convert lat lon values from Degree Decimal to Degree Minute Seconds:


Latitude :

Longitude :

Convert – Degree Minute Seconds to Degree Decimal Minutes:

Fetch the Seconds number, and divide it by 60, and then add the result with minute,

For example: Convert 29° 25′ 26.5152” to Degree Decimal Minute:

  • Here Seconds = 26.5152,
  • so dividing it by 60 i.e 26.5152/60 = 0.44.
  • Now add this with Minute, we will get 29° 25.44, which is in Degree Decimal Minutes format. If you multiply again 0.44 by 60 you will get again Degree Minute seconds format.

You may find further link, to find the tool for conversion of Latitude longitude format, with Map view:

Latitude Longitude format Conversion – Degree Decimal, Degree Minute Seconds and Degree Decimal Minutes

Do comment below, if you have any doubt or if you want share any other related information with us by commenting below.

Formula to Find Bearing or Heading angle between two points: Latitude Longitude

Formula to Find Bearing or Heading angle between two points. Bearing or heading angle is used to define navigation generally in the field of aircraft or marine or Vehicle navigation or while working for land surveying. So what’s the heading or bearing? How we can find bearing between the two points on earth, with the formula? Or How we can find the other point, when one point, actual traveled distance and bearing is given? Let us discuss all this points, followed with the example and experiment with the tool for calculating bearing provided in the post.

Explore Route Compass Mobile App and calculate bearing angle using mobile phone. Download the app grab the new offers.

For More details connect us at support@igismap.com.

Formula to Find Bearing or Heading angle between two points: Latitude Longitude
Formula to Find Bearing or Heading angle between two points: Latitude Longitude

Bearing can be defined as direction or an angle, between the north-south line of earth or meridian and the line connecting the target and the reference point. While Heading is an angle or direction where you are currently navigating in.  This means to reach a particular destination you need to adjust your heading direction with the bearing. Generally a ‘compass’ is an instrument, which gives you the direction information for navigation. You must refer Haversine distance formula before going through this post.

Calculating Bearing or Heading angle between two points:

So if you are from GIS field or dealing with GIS application, you should know bearing and how to calculate bearing with formula. Let us look on formula and tool for bearing:

  • Let ‘R’ be the radius of Earth,
  • L’ be the longitude,
  • ‘θ’ be latitude,
  • β‘ be Bearing.

Denote point A and B as two different points, where ‘La’ is point A longitude and ‘θa’ is point A latitude, similarly assume for point B. Bearing would be measured from North direction i.e 0° bearing means North, 90° bearing is East, 180° bearing is measured to be South, and 270° to be West.

Note: If bearing is denoted with +ve or –ve initials whose values lies between 0° to 180°, then –ve is denoted for South and West sides.

Formula to find Bearing, when two different points latitude, longitude is given:

Bearing from point A to B, can be calculated as,

β = atan2(X,Y),

where, X and Y are two quantities and can be calculated as:

X = cos θb * sin ∆L

Y = cos θa * sin θb – sin θa * cos θb * cos ∆L

Lets us take an example to calculate bearing between the two different points with the formula:

  • Kansas City: 39.099912, -94.581213
  • St Louis: 38.627089, -90.200203

So X and Y can be calculated as,

X =  cos(38.627089) * sin(4.38101)

X  = 0.05967668696


Y = cos(39.099912) * sin(38.627089) – sin(39.099912) * cos(38.627089) * cos(4.38101)

Y = 0.77604737571 * 0.62424902378 – 0.6306746155 * 0.78122541965 * 0.99707812506

 Y = -0.00681261948

***Convert θ into radians***

So as, β = atan2(X,Y) = atan2(0.05967668696, -0.00681261948) = 1.684463062558 radians

convert it into degree

           β = 96.51°

This means, from Kansas City if we move in 96.51° bearing direction, we will reach St Louis.

You can also check video explanation of bearing angle.

Tool to find bearing angle between two lat lon points:

Check out the following IGISMap tools to work with Bearing Angle

IGISMap Bearing Angle Tool

IGISMap is a GIS based web platform providing multiple GIS applications that are most important in the field of geospatial analytics. The peculiarity of IGISMAP in the GIS Industry is its UI/UX that helps the user to perform effortless geospatial operations.

Bearing Angle tool of IGISMap can be used to create geospatial path based on bearing angle, distance and location. A path will be one or more straight lines connected between points plotted in order. User can plot required locations by simply clicking on the map or by entering address or coordinates. The path created in Bearing Angle will be available as GIS layer in the IGISMap. This GIS layer can be downloaded as GIS data in any format such as Shapefile, GeoJSON, CSV or KML.

Check https://routecompass.mapog.com to open Bearing Angle

Formula to find a lat lon point, when bearing, distance and another lat lon is given

Let us assume a condition, where you want to find out the where will an Airplane will land up, if you have following details of that Airplane, i.e actual distance it will travel, the bearing and the starting point (lat,lon)?

  • Let first point latitude be la1,
  • longitude as lo1,
  • d be distance,
  • R as radius of Earth,
  • Ad be the angular distance i.e d/R and
  • θ be the bearing,

Here is the formula to find the second point, when first point, bearing and distance is known:

  • latitude of second point = la2 =  asin(sin la1 * cos Ad  + cos la1 * sin Ad * cos θ), and
  • longitude  of second point = lo2 = lo1 + atan2(sin θ * sin Ad * cos la1 , cos Ad – sin la1 * sin la2)

You may find both the tool on separate page, with Google map working on it: (It will be update in 2 days, please visit us again)

  • Tool to Find Bearing, when two points are given
  • Tool to find other point, when bearing, distance and one of the point is given.

I hope this article will definitely help you, to find the bearing or heading. You are free to share more data related to bearing or any thing that you uses to calculate bearing and how you use navigation with bearing.

If you find anything difficulty to understand the bearing calculation, you may comment below, so that we will discuss further on finding bearing or heading angle.

Sign up and login to MAPOG Tool to check more GIS tools.

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Upload or add kml or KML file on Google Earth

Upload or add kml or KML file on Google Earth. KML or KMZ is a file which models geographic features for displaying in Google Earth or Google Maps. You can easily add and upload KML file on Google Earth. This files can be easily created on Google Map or on Google Earth or on Any GIS tool. You may need to upload a shared or newly created KML file from third party, and want to verify whether the overlapped KML or KMZ file is valid or not. You may use Google Earth Pro instead Google Earth as it is now free to download.

Before following the below steps, download or create one of the KML file to taking demo. You can either create and export KML file from Google Map or from Google Earth or you may also convert your shapefile to KML or KMZ file from QGIS.

Upload or add kml or KML file on Google Earth
Upload or add kml or KML file on Google Earth

Steps to Upload or add kml or KML file on Google Earth

1.) Launch Google Earth in your desktop either Mac or Windows OS.

2.) Click on File menu, and select Open. Now browse to the KML or KMZ file which you want to upload on Google Earth. This will upload KML or KMZ file which may either be point, multipoint, line or polygon.

3.) In the places panel, you may file a new folder with Temporary Places containing your KML map. Double click on the KML map appear in panel to explore all layers and all associated elements(point, line or polygon).
To every element present in layer, you can either cut, copy, paste and delete,  and save – download the KML map to my places folder of Google Earth. Also you change the properties i.e Description, Style or Color of markers and line, Altitue and Measurement.

Upload or add kml or KML file on Google Earth
Upload or add kml or KML file on Google Earth

Steps to Upload or Add multiple KML maps on Google Earth:

1.) To add multiple KML file, you first need to follow the above steps to add the one.

2.) Now on the folder where your maps is actually loaded i.e in my case in “Temporary Places” right click and select add -> Network link. This will open up a New network link window.

3.) Select browse, and navigate to another KML file which you want to upload.

Upload or add kml or KML file on Google Earth
Upload or add kml or KML file on Google Earth

4.) Ok. Now your system is ready with multiple KML file on Google Earth. You can customize the uploaded KML file in same way as described above. Now you can perform GIS operation and analysis on Google Earth with uploaded overlayed KML file.

Hope this tutorial would have help you. If you find any problem in uploading KML file, do comment below. Also do share which type of data file you frequently upload on Google earth.

Download Google Earth Pro for Free – Official License

Download Google Earth Pro for Free – Official License. Google Earth is geographical information program and virtual globe software, provided by Google over the last 10 years, which is very useful tool for scientist, GIS analyst, hobbyist and for general public. Where Google Earth basic is Free, while Google previously distributing Google Earth pro version costing you around $399, providing more features than the basic version, which can now be downloaded for free getting a valid free licence.

Download Google Earth Pro for Free - Official License

Comparison list – Google Earth Basic vs Google Earth Pro version

But before downloading the Google Earth pro version which is actually free for now, we may compare Google Earth Basic version with Google Earth pro version and also list out extra features which makes your life easier going pro.

  • Google Earth provide Screen Resolution print images, while pro version of earth provides Premium high resolution images.
  • Earth enables you to import and Geolocate GIS images manually, while with pro version GIS images can be easily Geo-located Automatically.
  • Also pro version of Google earth makes you to import Super large images file for Overlays, while with basic earth would only limit you to import maximum texture size image files.
  • With all the above comparison, With Google Earth Pro you can make offline HD movies.
  • Can measure area, radius and circumference on the ground.
  • Map multiple points.
  • View demographic, parcel and traffic data layer.
  • Access to advanced importing features and map making tool.
  • Get the large data-set and batch Geocode address.
  • Spreadsheet Import: Ingest up to 2500 addresses at a time, assigning Placemarks and style templates in bulk.

Alternative of Google Earth

Check more: No Need of Google Routing

Download Google Earth Pro for Free – Grab valid License:

You just need to navigate to the official page of Google Earth, where you have to accept the terms and condition, and allow to download the Earth on your PC, either it is Mac, or Windows or Linux. Here is the link:

After installing it, you need to fill up the pop up window form, with valid email address and a license key. License code is ‘GEPFREE’. Your old license key would continue to work, if you already had one.

Download Google Earth Pro for Free - Official License
Download Google Earth Pro for Free – Official License

You may be intersted to see some tutorials on Google Earth:

No doubt Google with all different digital products, aims to makes your life easier and comfortable. There are many organization and individual, which are using Google Earth pro to perform different analysis, planning hikes, planning a new office building, trip to the mountains and placing solar panels on rooftops. Let us discuss by commenting below, where you use Google Earth pro? And how Earth software troubleshoot your work? Do download the Earth pro and enjoy its features.

Find out your history location from Google Map – Track, Export and Delete.

Google Map tracks your history location and allows you to manage, Delete and view your old location. Where you were, last week at 9 PM? Well its not easy to remember your every move in every day life, after few days. Google may maintains and tracks all your history location if you have opted to enable your Location service from any device which is linked with your Google Account. Your every location get tracked by Google from browser or from any of the mobile devices, which actually allows to send the current location data to Google, which let you to find out your history location from Google Map.

Find out your history location from Google Map
Find out your history location from Google Map

Turn on or off location history tracking from Mobile or Browser:

Why to turn ON location tracking? There are many apps and web services which uses your location to either share or fetch the relevant data to you, which in turn increase your efficiency in some way. For Ex. “Google Now” Application. ?And Why to turn OFF location tracking? Obviously, privacy concern is the reason, as no body knows ‘how safe the data is’.

Google tracks your location from either mobile devices which are linked to your Google Account or from the browser in which you are logged in with Google Account, where you have enabled setting to track your physical location in Setting of browser.

Steps to Either turn ON or OFF your location history tracking in different devices and browser:

1.) In Browser:

  • In Chrome and Opera – Select setting and under Location tab, select the appropriate option to enable or disable tracking.
  • In Mozilla Firefox – Select Tools, and click on options. Now navigate to privacy tab and under tracking select the check box accordingly.
  • In Safari – Select setting preferences and then privacy, where you need to select the desired option.

2.) In Mobile Devices:

  • Android – Go to Google Setting -> Location -> Location history. And Turn On or Off from the given check box.

Find out your history location from Google Map

  • IOS – Open Settings > Privacy > Location Services. Toggle the button to switch on or off your location tracking for different application.

Google also provide a salient feature to predict future and know current traffic, which uses many devices location data, and on which an algorithm may run to output congestion of roads.

Track and view your history location from Google Map – Track and Export:

1.) Open up your browser and copy paste the following URL : https://maps.google.com/locationhistory.
2.) Sign-in in the current tab, with the Google Account of which your Google Device is associated with.
3.) Now choose date and period of days i.e in between 1 to 30 Day. And Select “Show Time stamps” if needed to track a particular moment of the day.

  • Note: If you want to see every minute latitude longitude points, then you may need to select “Show All points” hyperlink, which you may find at bottom left corner as indicated in the figure.

Find out your history location from Google Map
Find out your history location from Google Map

Also you can export your location data in KML format (Keyhole markup language), option can be found just below “Show Timestamp” option, which you may use either to:

Delete history location from Google Map:

Why you want to delete your location history from the website? Privacy issue is a serious concern, and you may not want any app or services to record your every move. But don’t worry, Google provided a way for this. You can Delete some part of day location or the either entire location from the Location history website. Here are the steps to delete the location history:

1.) Go to location history website, and log in from your Google Account.
2.) From the left panel of the website, you may find “Delete history from this time period” to delete your selected “time stamp” and “Delete all history” to delete entire history data from the website.

You may also delete the entire location history data from your mobile device. Just navigate to Google Setting and select location. Tap on Location history and click on “Delete Location History”.

Find out your history location from Google Map

  • Note: Once you have erased your history data, it can’t be restore. Also you may face issues with some application which uses your location data like “Google Now”.

You may also look at following features of Google Map:

Conclusion – History location from Google Map:

You can use Google history Location as an application to get to understand and analyze your traveling and location history. Google being fair to public, provided all the setting, to choose whether you want to get tracked or not. While they also mention, that they will keep the data with them as private.

Well I had kept my location service enable to let me track myself to analyze my every day location data. What you have opted for? What else you may want from this Feature? And Which kind of Analysis you are performing with the data you get from location history? Do Comment below, i would love to hear your ideas.

NOTE: If you are from Korea, Location History website may not be available.

Haversine Formula – Calculate geographic distance on earth

Haversine Formula – Calculate geographic distance on earth. If you have two different latitude – longitude values of two different point on earth, then with the help of Haversine Formula, you can easily compute the great-circle distance (The shortest distance between two points on the surface of a Sphere). The term Haversine was coined by Prof. James Inman in 1835. Haversine is very popular and frequently used formula when developing a GIS (Geographic Information System) application or analyzing path and fields.

You can use this Online Route Compass Tool, which calculates the distance based on haversine Formula and also computes the Bearing angle too :

Route Compass Online Tool to Compute Haversine Distance

Haversine formula - Calculate geographic distance on earth
Haversine formula – Calculate geographic distance on earth

Haversine formula:

Central angle Haversine can be computed, between two points with r as radius of earth, d as the distance between two points, \phi_1, \phi_2 is latitude of two points and \lambda_1, \lambda_2 is longitude of two points respectively, as:

\operatorname{haversin}\left(\frac{d}{r}\right) = \operatorname{haversin}(\phi_2 - \phi_1) + \cos(\phi_1) \cos(\phi_2)\operatorname{haversin}(\lambda_2-\lambda_1)

Haversine formula - Calculate geographic distance on earth
Haversine formula – Calculate geographic distance on earth

Law of Haversine:

To derive law of Haversine one needs to start the calculation with spherical law of cosine i.e cos a = cos b * cos c + sin b * sin c * cos A

One can derive Haversine formula to calculate distance between two as:

a = sin²(ΔlatDifference/2) + cos(lat1).cos(lt2).sin²(ΔlonDifference/2)
c = 2.atan2(√a, √(1−a))
d = R.c


ΔlatDifference = lat1 – lat2 (difference of latitude)

ΔlonDifference = lon1 – lon2 (difference of longitude)

R is radius of earth i.e 6371 KM or 3961 miles

and d is the distance computed between two points.

Here is the example result delivered by Haversine Formula:

Lets take one of latitude-longitude for calculation distance,
NEBRASKA, USA (Latitude : 41.507483, longitude : -99.436554) and
KANSAS, USA (Latitude : 38.504048, Longitude : -98.315949)

Do compute the distance with the above written formula. Your answer would be 347.3 Km(kilo-meter). The snapshot demonstrate the same result with map below.

Haversine formula - Calculate geographic distance on earth
Haversine formula – Calculate geographic distance on earth

If you are getting problem in understanding Haversine formula or getting error in the result do comment below. Also if you have more relevant information about the same, do share with us by writing below.