Add GIS data from IGISMap and label each feature

GIS helps users to understand patterns, relationships, and geographic context. Its benefits include improved communication and efficiency which helps in improved management and decision-making. GIS combines datasets with maps, and integrates regional datasets with any type of descriptive information or data. It provides mapping and assessment prerequisites for technology and almost every industry. In this article, we add gis data and label features in map. After labeling you can share or embed the map on website.

Labeling is the craft of placing text on a map in relation to the map symbols, together representing features and properties of the real world. It refers specifically to the process of automatically generating and placing descriptive text for features in maps. Labeling the features of the map is important in presentations to identify the feature or its properties. IGISMap has a Label Feature tool to label each feature of GIS data based on the value from a particular attribute field.

IGISMap is a web platform providing multiple GIS applications that are most important in the field of geospatial analytics. The peculiarity of IGISMap in the GIS Industry is its UI/UX which helps the user to perform the effortless geospatial operation. Using Label Feature, you can easily label the spatial features of your GIS data based on the values from any attribute field of the data table, whether it’s integer, word, date, or any other data type. This labeling functionality works with point, line and polygon GIS data.

Let us look at the process of labeling GIS data like the following.

Portugal Districts

Add a GIS data from IGISMap

In this article, we will try to add data from IGISMap GIS data collection and label it’s features. For demonstration, let us use a polygon GIS data of Portugal from IGISMap GIS data collection.

Click to open Add GIS Data tool

After opening the tool, first step is to select the country. Here we will select united kingdom

Add GIS Data tool

Then Search Layer search Portugal, where we need to select ‘administrative Portugal district boundaries’. First click the download icon beside the data name and click the Add Layer button in the next section that opens.

Add the Layer

After clicking Add Layer button, polygon GIS data of Portugal District boundaries will be published in the map.

Successfully added the layer

You can access the GIS data of Portugal boundaries by clicking

Download Portugal District Boundaries Shapefile

Opening the Label Feature tool

After adding the input GIS data from Add GIS Data, we can label the polygon GIS data using Label Feature tool.

For accessing the tool from the map, click Tools button at the upper left side of screen to open the map tools popup. Then select Label Feature tool listed under Style Your Data section.

Label Feature from Tools

We can also open the Label Feature tool by going to the More option of the required GIS data and choose the Label Feature tool.

Label Feature from More section

Labeling the polygon GIS data

Now the tool is opened in the map, let’s label our GIS data.

Select Field section opens. Here we need to select the attribute field from which the label values to be taken for each polygon feature of the input GIS data. In our case, select name from the dropdown.

Select the Feature Name

In this section we can also change the style of label by changing the Font Size and Color.

Choose the color

After selecting the attribute field and fixing the Font Size and Color, click Save Label to apply the labels on our GIS data.

Save the Style

Following all steps properly we get the desired output of polygon GIS data with labelled features.

Successfully labeling of the polygon GIS data of Portugal

Author: Akshay Upadhyay

Owner and Director of a Private Limited company which serves individual to large scale industries in the field of Maps and GIS. He is a Gold Medalist in M.Tech(Spatial Information Technology) and owns some famous Technology blogs and website... Know more

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